Target Groups
The aims and objectives of the Centre are as follows:
Target Group:
The target groups consist of two streams, i.e. teachers working in Schools and Madrasas.
Teachers working in:
- Elementary, Primary and Upper Primary Schools
- Secondary and Senior Secondary / Intermediate level.
- Madresas and Maktabs at different levels
- Angan Wadi and Bal-Wadi Schools
- Adult and Non-formal Educational Agencies and
- Executives, Inspecting Officers and Educational Functionaries.
Organization of the Target Groups:
The Centre will organize training groups for Urdu medium teachers as mentioned below:
- Region-wise / state-wise approach: Urdu medium teachers working in schools and madresas in southern states.
- Subject wise approach: Professional development programmes in different school subjects.
- New entrants in teaching profession.
Duration of TRAINING Programmes:
Short term and Crash Course
(One week to two weeks)
Long term Course
(Two weeks to four weeks)
Workshops and Orientation Programmes
(Two days to 10 days)
- Professional Fairs and Exhibitions
(One day to three days)
- Consultative Meetings, Seminars and Symposiums
(One day to three days)
- Conferences and Seminars
(One day to four days)