In valedictory function of every programme, the participants give feed-back about the programme. There is no recorded document available about the feed back for each programme. The general views of participants about our programmes are that-

  1. Our programmes are at par with any of the old ASCs in terms of seriousness with which programmes are conducted, quality of resource persons, infrastructure, accommodation facilities and above all active involvement of all staff members of ASC
  2. Feedback from the resource persons, participants is the basis for changes/modifications in the programme with an objective to improve in terms of quality of the programme
  3. Based on the formative feedback, on demand Resource Persons are also invited to deliver lectures on specific topics.
  4. There has been very encouraging feedback from the participants in terms of the infrastructure of the UGC HRDC.
  5. The feedback of participants is a vital source to assess the content delivery management of the Resource Persons. Thus HRDC implores upon having a feedback from the participants about the Resource Persons.
    The contents designed by HRDC are based on the objectives of the course. However, these are modified in keeping with times and the suggestions of the experts, participants, etc. and are incorporated from time to time to keep the target group updated.
  6. The participants have expressed their joy and satisfaction over the boarding & lodging facilities available at HRDC MANUU.
  7. The HRDC avoids grouping of same institution. The participants are selected from different parts of the country and thus portray diversity of India. This provides a platform to them for interaction and exchange of knowledge in terms of culture, education, history, traditions, etc.