School of Technology
Prof.Abdul Wahid
Phone : 91-040-23008367
Mobile :8297097786
Email :wahidabdul76(at)yahoo[dot]com
School of Technology was originally established as School of Computer Science & Information Technology was established in 2014 with the objective of
imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology. Consequent upon decision of the
Executive Council notified vide notification No: MANUU/EC.I(B)/F.110/2019/443 dated 6th June 2019, the School was renamed as School of Technology.
The School has one department viz. Department of Computer Science & Information Technology and five polytechnics at Hyderbad, Bengaluru, Darbhanga, Cuttak and Kadsapa.
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology offers Ph.D. (Computer Science), M.Tech. (Computer Science), B.Tech. (Computer Science), and M.C.A.
Polytechnics offers Diploma Engineering programs in various streams:
Polytechnic, Hyderabad
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Computer Science Engineering
- Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Diploma in Information Technology
Polytechnic, Begaluru
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Computer Science Engineering
- Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Polytechnic, Darbhanga
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Computer Science Engineering
- Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Polytechnic, Cuttak
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Diploma in Automobile Engineering
Polytechnic, Kadapa
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Diploma in Apparel Engineering